2020 Tipton Station Rd, Knoxville, TN 37920
Under the direction of Mr. Danny Mull, we are the award-winning South-Doyle High School Band from Knoxville, Tennessee. Our organization is made up of some of the highest achieving students in the school. We are among the top academic and social leaders in our community, and the support we receive from school administration, teachers, parents, and the community at large provides us with unbound potential.
Over the years, neighborhood schools closed, merged, and transformed into new entities which provided South Knoxville and South Knox County residents the opportunity to forge new and stronger bonds as a community. Our school was founded on the need for change, yet bound to the traditions of old institutions. In the first South-Doyle Yearbook back in 1992, a banner reads, "Change Becomes Tradition".
That same yearbook notes that "the band was already becoming a close-knit group while other students were just getting acquainted". It was the same situation in the mid-1970's, when band students from South and Young High Schools led the way and formed a Jazz Ensemble the year before those two schools actually merged.
Former rivals became fast friends. New traditions were born from the common threads of old ones. Clubs and organizations within the school became more effective and even more fraternal; especially the band.
"...out of a dreaded situation, the first South-Doyle Band established a new tradition of class, perseverance, and spirit."
That "dreaded situation" is just a distant memory now, but that same spirit drives us today. It was the Pioneer spirit, the Warrior spirit, the Trojan, Rocket, and Yellowjacket spirit.
The word tradition comes from the Latin word traditio which means "to hand down" or "to hand over." The word band literally means a thing that binds. Our band is a means of conveyance as well as the spirit which is conveyed. We are bound, for a time, by keeping time together. With an eye on the past as we look to the future, our seniors fall out and new freshmen fall in. Time marches on...and so do we!